AI Reading List: Resources

Below is a portion of my informal list of readings related to Artificial Intelligence (AI). This started out as a very short list created for use in conjunction with an academic presentation and has now grown much larger. Please let me know if you have any corrections, additions, suggestions, etc. It is very idiosyncratic and not meant to be comprehensive. Please feel free to share with others.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Reading List, by Philip Rubin


AI Supremacy

Jay Alammar YouTube Channel

AI2: Allen Institute for AI

Robbie Allen. My Curated List of AI and Machine Learning Resources from Around the Web., July 10, 2017

Alpaca AI


Astral Codex Ten substack

AWS Machine Learning Blog

Baidu Research

BigScience Research Workshop


ChatGPT signup (might be a waiting list)


Connectionists mailing list

Ernest Davis NYU webpage



Farrell’s AI


Futurism Artificial Intelligence

Google AI Blog

Geoffrey E. Hinton


Hugging Face

IEEE Spectrum: Artificial Intelligence

Andrej Karpathy blog

Yann LeCun webpage

Michal Lukac. The Best Resources on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Ximilar, July 8, 2020

Gary Marcus. The Road To AI We Can Trust substack

Microsoft AI


MIT News: Artificial Intelligence

Meta AI

Molly Welch’s newsletter

Montreal AI Debate 1: Dec. 23, 2019

Montreal AI Debate 2: Dec. 23, 2020

Montreal AI Debate 3: Dec. 23, 2022

National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource Task Force

Peter Norvig




Quanta Magazine Articles on Artificial Intelligence

Philip Rubin AI Reading List

Scale AI

Stories by AI

Stuart Russell. Lethal Autonomous Weapons. Personal website

ScienceDaily Artificial intelligence News

The Stanford AI Lab Blog.

Wired Artificial Intelligence

Tehseen Zia. Best Artificial Intelligence Learning Resources Online in 2022. techopediq. Oct. 26, 2021

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