KSAN Bus Sign panel 7 (9A-9B), by Victor Moscoso (b. 1936)

Psychedlic Art Exchange: “One of the early free-form FM Rock radio stations, KSAN, utilized Moscoso’s comic art to create a series of advertising panels that were displayed in San Francisco’s municipal buses in 1971. There were originally 15 different panels that were sequentially displayed in buses for commuters to read as a quasi-comic strip. The promotion was displayed on 100 buses for one month. Much like posters, promotional cards like these seldom survive their original use as they were considered disposable advertising. When the new ones went up the old ones were trashed. Needless to say, very few have survived the years.”

59” wide x 11” high, unframed; 64” wide x 15” high, framed.

(See selected KSAN panels.)